Top Leading Experts in Blockchain You Should Keep An Eye On

Top Leading Experts in Blockchain You Should Keep An Eye On

Bware Labs Team

6 min read

Top Web3 and blockchain experts and influencers to follow if you don’t want to be left behind on the latest in crypto, DeFi, dApps, or Web3 projects.

Things change rapidly in tech, and the blockchain world makes no exception. If you want to keep up with the latest news and trends, you need to look in the right direction. Or follow the right people.

With so many self-entitled blockchain experts, it may be hard to filter and figure out whose advice or opinion you should rely on, and not only in terms of crypto investments.

Although far from being a comprehensive list, check out some of our favorite Web3 and blockchain experts who provide valuable and interesting insights.

Leading Crypto Expert Changpeng Zhao

As the founder and CEO of Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, his opinions on crypto markets and their evolution are highly valued.

Changpeng posts on Twitter almost daily, revealing the latest crypto news and trends. Although his name was linked to a few scandals and controversies, including the FTX collapse, he remains one of the most important figures in crypto.

Considering many of his latest official statements show he touts the idea of new and appropriate crypto laws, he might be one of the key players with an active role in the future phase of crypto regulation.

Apart from all these, he’s the initiator of Binance Charity — a foundation that seeks to promote worldwide education related to Web3, or as their website mentions, “dedicated to building a future where Web3 technology is used as a force for good”.

Vitalik Buterin, The World’s Youngest Crypto Billionaire

He’s not only a co-founder and inventor of Ethereum but also one of the most followed blockchain influencers. That’s because he always knows how to strongly argue his ideas or explain Web3 concepts. You can find out more about his views in his recently published book “Proof of Stake: The Making of Ethereum and The Philosophy of Blockchain”.

Apart from what happens in the Ethereum ecosystem, Vitalik shares his opinion about DAOs, cryptoeconomics, and Web3 projects on his personal website. If you’re a crypto newbie, you can still find articles he wrote for the Bitcoin Magazine — his first job and encounter with the crypto world, where he learned how cryptocurrencies work.

Vitalik is also a big supporter of novice crypto investors, and he frequently states his ideas for safer crypto wallets. Many see Vitalik as a visionary mind, and just as a sneak peek into what he believes the future holds, Buterin sees Ethereum to “rule the Metaverse” in ten years.

He also believes that the next generation of privacy-preserving technology will rely on zk-SNARKs.

Gavin Wood, Creator of Polkadot and Kusama, One of Ethereum’s Founders

If you’re interested in knowing more about the deep technical elements of blockchain infrastructure, Gavin Wood is the man you should follow. Also known as “the decentralized web pioneer”, Gavin is widely acclaimed for his technical expertise. That’s why he’s a keynote speaker at numerous conferences, including TEDx and the World Economic Forum.

To run down some of his notable accomplishments that greatly support the decentralization of the internet, Wood:

  • is the man who came up with the concept of Solidity language
  • created the Polkadot protocol that relies on parachains (allowing developers to create their own independent blockchains)
  • founded the Web3 Foundation to promote and sustain Web3 applications that use modern cryptographic methods

Find all his insights on blockchain trends on Medium and Twitter.

Laura Shin, Cryptojournalist and Author

Twice every week, she’s the host of ‘Unchained Podcast’, where she tackles any topic related to crypto with her guests.

You can read her pieces on Medium (having over 3K followers) and find some exciting connections between politics and the crypto world, less-debated details of crypto regulations, and even intriguing views about NFTs you never thought of.

Laura is also an event speaker and the author of “The Cryptopians: Idealism, Greed, Lies, and the Making of the First Big Cryptocurrency Craze”, an informative read about the beginning and evolution of cryptocurrency. Laura explains the sometimes hard-to-understand jargon of crypto and the confusing tangles of digital money, mathematics, technology, and economy.

Joseph Lubin — A Blockchain Expert Who Co-founded Ethereum

Considering Joseph’s background, and his current role as founder of Consensys, his views on stablecoins, Ethereum evolution, and even the NFT market are quite powerful and accurate.

Due to Consensys’ nature that brings together projects and companies that create blockchain developer tools, dApps, and solutions meant to augment Ethereum’s power, you can bet that his recommendations on valuable Web3 projects are trustworthy.

On the Consensys website, you’ll find an extensive media library where Joseph goes deep on the future of blockchain and its use cases, as well as crypto predictions.

A notable speaker including at high-level conferences and events like The World Economic Forum, he’s an advocate for the power of blockchain technology. His talks mostly focus on how this new tech can transform industries and how organizations can enjoy numerous benefits.

Dr.Julian Hosp, Co-founder and CEO of Cake DeFi

Julian is an all-hands-on-deck type of entrepreneur who’s involved in many aspects related to Web3.

As he states on his personal website, Julian is on a “mission to help people all around the world to become more than just #CRYPTOFIT.” To achieve this, he regularly speaks at events, hosts a podcast, publishes blog articles, and posts on Twitter daily. He explains in an easy-to-understand language any concept related to cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and decentralization.

Julian is also the author of awarded books, including “Blockchain 2.0 simply explained: Far more than just Bitcoin.”

Julian’s company, Cake DeFi, is a leading decentralized finance services provider and Southeast Asia’s fastest-growing FinTech platform. Through DeFi Chain Foundation, his aim is also to support and educate blockchain communities.

Lastly, as a member of the European Union Blockchain Observatory and Forum, Julian is working on building strong and valid EU regulation that integrates blockchain technology in various industry use cases.

Neha Narula — Director of Digital Currency at MIT

Unlike other experts from this list, Neha isn’t the typical, vocal Web3 influencer (although she held a Ted Talk speech). Still, her research work reveals in-depth information about blockchain security and the downsides of mining pools and also offers a holistic view of cryptocurrency regulation and its possible effects.

Due to her role as a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Futures Council on Blockchain — Neha is working on a unique project that involves central-bank digital currencies (CBDC). A significant part of her work is to explain to policymakers how cryptocurrency technology works, so they can make informed decisions about economic policies.

Additionally, you can find out more about the risks of stablecoins or the idea of blockchain voting on her personal website or Medium channel.

Dr. Mark van Rijmenam — Future Tech Strategist

His nickname is ‘The Digital Speaker,’ and he’s well-versed in big data, blockchain, and AI. You’ll rarely hear or watch him speak or go deep into just one topic, as Mark likes to challenge his audience to see the full picture and how all emerging technologies blend together.

Apart from being an international keynote speaker, Mark is a faculty member of the Blockchain Research Institute in Canada and a strategic advisor to several blockchain startups. Mark has also published three books so far on the future of work and how businesses should prepare for it.

His personal website is filled with all the details of his work, including future events, some of his most interesting videos and presentations, and the episodes of his three podcasts.

You can check more of his writing on Medium and Twitter — where, in particular, he likes to share the latest AI and Metaverse trends.

Follow Blockchain Experts to Stay in the Loop

Hope you’ll find this list useful or discover a new relevant Web3 figure! As already mentioned, these are just some of the people we follow and who we believe are in this industry for the right reasons and not for the sake of marketing themselves as blockchain gurus.

Other notable people we advise you to follow are Charlie Lee, Barry Silbert, Nick Szabo and Brian Armstrong.

If you look closely at any of these names, you’ll see they’re very happy to share and give out relevant details, whether it’s about cryptocurrencies, blockchain infrastructure, digital assets, or anything in between.

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