GovScan Update Logs – #1

GovScan Update Logs – #1

Bware Labs Team

1 min read

Welcome to the GovScan Update Logs! This is a short series of constant updates regarding the ongoing expansion and improvement of GovScan, the latest product built by Bware Labs.

  • 8.11.2023: GovScan now supports chains with governance on Spam filtering has been added through OpenAI. Users can now authenticate on the app via both Google Accounts and Github accounts.
  • 12.11.2023: Support for Cosmos SDK Governance V1 has been added, GovScan now supports both V1Beta1 and V1.

New Chains Integrated

GovScan users can now subscribe to receive governance notifications for the following newly added chains:

  • dYdX
  • Lido
  • Arbitrum
  • Cosmos Hub

With these additions, GovScan now supports a total of 10 networks.

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